Test Your Language Skills!
Welcome to our quick and fun English quiz to spice up your tea break! Grab your “cuppa” and let’s dive into these language challenges. Choose the best answer for each question. Let’s see how well you know English!
1.Finish the famous phrase: « To be or not to be, that is… »
a) Life’s dilemma
b) The ultimate question
c) A perplexing situation
d) The question at hand
4.What is the past tense of the verb “to buy”?
a) buyed
b) bowt
c) bought
d) bort
2. »It’s raining cats and dogs » is an example of…
a) An idiom
b) A simile
c) A metaphor
d) Personification
5.What is the plural of “knife”?
a) Knifes
b) Knives
c) Knifs
d) Knivves
3.What is a « cuppa » in informal, British English?
a) a biscuit
b) a cup of tea
c) a beer
d) a friend
6.What is the capital of Australia?
a) Melbourne
b) Canberra
c) Perth
d) Sydney
Answers :
- B (Yes!)
- A
- B
- C
- B
- B (Yes!)